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Gunsan Modern Art Museum (Old Japanese 18th Bank Gunsan Branch)

Tourist Attractions 게시판글 내용보기
Contact 063-446-9812
Hours 09:00~18:00 winter : 09:00~17:00
Admission refer to website
Address 54021 전북 군산시 해망로 230
Homepage Homepage
Link Kor Link


Branch of a bank headquartered in Nagasaki, Japan

Japan’ 18th Bank Gunsan Branch was built in 1907 although the bank opened its first Korean branch in Incheon in 1890. The building serves as a perfect example of Japanese bank buildings from the early colonial era. The building was later appointed as National Cultural Property on February 28, 2008 and is currently used as a modern art museum by the city of Gunsan.

The Gunsan Modern Art Museum and its annex, with its memorial hall devoted to An Jung-geun, the activist who played a huge part in Korea’s independence movement, serve as a priceless lesson about Korea’s history. There is also a room with a variety of construction materials on display.