Jeonbuk International Cooperation Agency

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세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
  • Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
    Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
  • Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
    Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
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Imsil Jeonbuk 119 Safety Experience Center

Tourist Attractions 게시판글 내용보기
Contact 063-290-5676
Hours 9:00~18:00
Address 55928 전북 임실군 임실읍 호국로 1630


Experience Center where the whole family can learn about safety. The center’s 4 themed special zones and the outdoor facilities allow anybody, from children to adults, to learn about safety in the event of a disaster.

* Experience programs


- Complete disaster experience (Elementary School and older) : fire extinguisher/disaster preparation, earthquake/typhoon experience, road safety/everyday safety, CPR practice, 4D disaster video, radioactivity/civil defense training


- Emergency escape experience (Elementary school 4th grade and above) : “safety hero survival” experience, building escape experience, taking cover, high altitude crossing, helicopter rescue experience, fire truck firefighting experience


- Child safely village (5~7 years old) : ggoggoma 119(child fire station), daerongdaerong(mountain safety), deodeumdeodeum(fire safety), wingwingssengsseng (typhoon safety) ,pungdeongpungdeong (water/pool safety), heundeulheundeul (earthquake safety)


- water safety : safety education (currents, waste water, sinking ship, puddles, rivers), water/pool playing (pool, kids mall) 


*English Leaflet: