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Imsil Okjeongho Lake

Tourist Attractions 게시판글 내용보기
Contact 063-640-4082
Address 55904 전북 임실군 운암면 국사봉로 512
Link Kor Link


Lake locally known for its beautiful morning scenery

Okjeongho lake is a well known site for local photographers due to its beautiful morning scenery and clear waters. It was once a popular fishing spot but then it was designated as a protected area and used as a water supply source. The early morning view is especially breathtaking in autumn.


* nearby restaurants : 강나루횟집, 강남쌈밥, 구암산장, 상운암 전주식당, 섬진강 오리명가, 옥정호산장, 일송정가든, 입석산장