Jeonbuk International Cooperation Agency

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    Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
  • Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
    Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
  • Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
    Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
Linking the world, Building relations
Jeonbuk International Cooperation Agency
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Imsil Pilbong Culture Zone

Tourist Attractions 게시판글 내용보기
Contact 063-643-1902/2901
Address 55937 전북 임실군 강진면 강운로 272
Link Kor Link


Cultural center for guests of any age who want to experience traditional cultural activities such as folk songs, performances, customs, and more

Cultural center for guests of any age who want to experience traditional cultural activities such as folk songs, performances, customs, and more. There are also convenience facilities for guests, a cafe, a parking lot, and more


* performances : Welcome to jungbaengigol, Let's Go See Pilbong Good