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세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
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세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
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세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
  • Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
    Linking the world, Building relations
세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 선도기관
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Imsil Poet Yongtaek Kim’s Village

Tourist Attractions 게시판글 내용보기
Contact 063-640-2611
Address 55943 전북 임실군 덕치면 장암2길 22
Link Kor Link


Village celebrating the life and works of Korean poet Yongtaek Kim

Born in Imsil on 1948, Yongtaek graduated from Sunchang Agricultural Highschool and worked in Imsil as an elementary school until making his literary debut in 1982. His work focuses on aspects of the coutnryside such as the Seomjingang river where he grew up close to, everyday affairs of country life, and other aspects the countryside. Kim has become a powerful voice for the countryside which tends to be wrongly picture by city dwellers.